Radha Madan Mohan & Gourhari


“Ananta went to Navadvipa, performed penances, and worshiped Gaurānga for ten thousands years. Being pleased with Ananta, Lord Gauranga appeared before Him. On seeing that form, Ananta fell to the ground offering His respects.
“Then, raising Himself, Ananta folded His hands and began to sing the glories of Gauranga, who appeared with a complexion of molten gold. Gaurānga’s lotus feet were very beautiful, His toenails glowed like ten million moons, His form glowed like a thousand suns, and He was decorated with a forest flower garland and the mark of Srivatsa on His chest. Wearing silk cloth, He was as attractive as ten million Cupids. His arms extending to His knees and a sacred thread draped across His chest. He was smeared with sandalwood pulp and decorated with arm bands and tulasi beads around His neck. He had graceful eyes and beautiful eyebrows and nose. He was slightly smiling, and His ears were decorated with shark earrings. He was peaceful, and His feet are eternally worshiped by the devotees. He is the deliverer of the suffering living entities and the cause of the universes. His form is full of eternity, knowledge, and bliss. With a choked voice, Ananta offered His prayers.
(Sri Navadvipa-Dhama-Mahatmya, Pramana-Khanda, Chapter 2)

InformationSreebas Angan in Sridham Mayapur is identical with Rasasthal of Sree Radha-Krishna. It is always resounding with the chanting of Kirtan. Pure and self realised souls can realise it. The construction work of the Verandah of the temple with Natya Mandir is gradually progressing. Fortunate persons spend also their earthly wealth in the service of the Supreme Lord and thus receive Divine Grace.
(THE HARMONIST AS IT IS VOL.7 (VOL. XXXI, Sept.1934 – July 1935), Page 141)