

Crossing over the Viraja River and leaving Brahmaninagara, I will climb on top of Arka-tilā. As I sit there and worship Gaurahari. I will become intoxicated with nectar while singing the holy name.
The sun-god, Arkadeva, will mercifully appear before me with a red-hued complexion, long-arms, wearing pinkish cloth and tulasi-mālā, sandalwood smeared on his body, the name of Gaurahari on his lips, and tears in his eyes.
He will say to me, “My son, I have appeared before you because you are a devotee of Gauranga. We demigods, directors of material affairs, are also servants of Gauranga’s lotus feet. I simply aspire to be the servant of the servants of Gauranga’s lotus feet. By my blessings, you will get kṛṣṇa-bhakti, and you will have the strength to live in the dhama and chant the holy name. But please come here regularly and sing Krsna’s nectar-filled name for my pleasure.”
Paying obeisances at Suryadeva’s feet. I will proceed to Mahatpura. This Mahatpura is nondifferent from Kamyavana.
(Sri Navadvipa Bhava-taranga)
