Sri Sri Gandharvika Giridhari


Information – The next day Sree Sree Gandharbika Giridhari were solemnly installed by His Divine Holiness Paramahansa Paribrajakacharya Sreemad Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur in the specially designed and newly built Temple. It is a composite structure consisting of the main shrine which is in the middle from which project laterally four minor shrines. Sree Gandharbika Giridhari and Sree Mahaprabhu occupy the main shrine. Each of the minor shrines is occupied by one of the founder Acharya of the four Vaishnab Sampradayas viz Sree Ramanuja, Sree Nimbarka, Sree Vishnuswami and Sree Madhwa, The lofty temple stands with its spacious Natmandir within the Sree Chaitanya Math. An immense concourse of people witnessed these grand ceremonies and joined enthusiastically with the Sankirtan party that circumambulated the temple. Mahaprasad was distributed to all present without stint.
(THE HARMONIST AS IT IS VOL.1 (VOL. XXV, June 1927 – May 1928), Page 24)

Information – On the altar to the right of Gandharvika-Giridhari, you will find two deities of Lord Caitanya with Their right arms raised. As you walk around the deity chamber, you will notice four additional altars, each dedicated to one of the Vaishnava acaryas: Sri Madhvacarya, Sri Vishnu Swami, Sri Nimbarkacarya, and Sri Ramanujacarya.

jaya gandharvika-giridhari gandharvika-giridhari radhe
(saraswatir prana-dhana he)
All glories to Gandharvika and Giridhari, the treasure of Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura’s heart!

Official Name: Jaya Radha Krsna Giti