Gour Nityananda (Khol-bhanga-danga)


Information – Gour Nityananda are with the devotees, accompanied by a broken Mridanga.

Information Khol-bhanga-danga – Where the Sankirtan party of Mahaprabhu’s followers were forcibly prevented and assaulted by the then Mahomedan Governor Kazi Maulana Sirajuddin (commonly known as Chand Kazi) whose men broke away the Khols (musical instruments) of that party and hence the part of the locality gained this name,
(THE HARMONIST AS IT IS VOL.2 (VOL. XXVI, June 1928 – May 1929), Page 187-188)

Information – Hinduism had been greatly in abeyance at Nabadwip ever since its occupation by Bakhtiyar Khilji. It was the same in the time of Mahaprabhu under the regime of its military governor, Chand Kazi. In fact the Hindus of Nabadwip, did not venture to utter the Name of God for fear of the Muhammadans. But now by command of the Supreme Lord the kirtan of the Name of Hari began to be chanted in a loud key to the accompaniment of mridanga and cymbal in every house of Nabadwip. Hearing of this Chand Kazi proceeded to the house of one of the townspeople who lived close to the court-yard of Sribash at Sri Mayapur and as he was guilty of chanting the kirtan broke his mridanga and proclaimed his resolve to punish with great severity and with loss of caste any resident of the town who chanted kirtan in the manner taught by Sri Gaur Sundar. The spot where Chand Kazi broke the ‘khol’ of the citizen became famous from that time and came to be called by the name of ‘Khol-bhanga-danga‘ the mound where the khol was broken and still maintains its old name.
(THE HARMONIST AS IT IS VOL.1 (VOL. XXV, June 1927 • May 1928), Page 279)

Śrīla Nityānanda Rāma is the plenary manifestation of the Lord, and I have been initiated by Him. I therefore offer my respectful obeisances unto His lotus feet.
(CC Adi 1.40)

That original Lord Kṛṣṇa appeared in Navadvīpa as Lord Caitanya, and Balarāma appeared with Him as Lord Nityānanda.
(CC Adi 5.6)